Thank you, John (not his real name), for your email. You ask two questions – one is about Adam’s son Seth, who was born “in his likeness, after his image.” The second question concerns women who preach, teach, and pastor churches. Below are my brief answers to your questions.
Firstly, man was initially created in God’s image and likeness, perfect and sinless. Genesis 1:26 states the original creation of God – Adam and Eve. Nonetheless, Adam and Eve did not stay sinless for long since they fell into sin. Genesis chapter 3 records the entry of sin and death to human beings. Consequently, Adam did not produce the “image and likeness of God” as perfect and sinless human beings to his children and all humankind. Since the fall of Adam, all human beings have been sinners and condemned to Hell forever. The phrase in Genesis 5:3, “in his own likeness, after his image,” implies that Adam’s children (the whole of humankind) share the exact sinful nature of Adam. They are destined for Hell unless they are “born again” by believing in Christ. However, God provided a Redeemer in Genesis 3:15 as a ransom for man’s sin that whoever believes in Jesus Christ will have eternal life and be removed from Hell’s condemnation. All the saved are now due for Heaven, and others who reject the Redeemer are destined for Hell.
Secondly, there is no biblical mandate for women to preach, teach, and pastor churches. So, I do not endorse or support such doctrine.
I hope I have answered your questions a bit.
Because of Christ,